January 27, 2016

The Icelandic Golden redfish in Berlin

A large number of visitors visited Fisch-Informationszentrum's (FIZ) and Iceland Responsible Fisheries' stand during the Green Week in Berlin. A selection of fish from Iceland was on display at the stand and visitors have enjoyed pan fried Golden redfish from Iceland.

The Golden redfish was very well appreciated by guests as Golden redfish has long been one of the most consumed whitefish species in Germany over the years. Brochure with recipes of Golden redfish dishes were offered to people that wanted to cook at home. 

At the first day, Minister of Agriculture in Germany, Christian Schmidt, and the Mayor of Berlin, Michael Müller, visited the stand with a large number of journalists. Dr. Matthias Keller, from FIZ explained to the honoured guests the importance of good fisheries management, the certification of Icelandic fisheries. The most important fish species that Germany imports from Iceland are Golden redfish, Saithe, Cod, and Atlantic catfish. 

Grüne Woche has a long history but this is the 81st time that the exhibition is held. Manufacturers from around the world present their products and there were more than 1,700 exhibitors in 2015, including 655 from countries other than Germany.